Thursday, November 15, 2012

"Rural China: Up Close and Personal"--Talk by Jeanne Gadol

USCPFA South Bay Chapter
Rural China: Up Close and Personal
a photographic journey and study of Southeast China’s rural minorities and scenic beauty
Jeanne Gadol
Award winning photographer and mixed media artist

Sunday, November 18, 2012
6:15 – 9 PM
St. Jude’s Episcopal Church, Parish Hall
20920 McClellan Rd.
Cupertino, CA

Potluck Dinner 6:15 – 7:15
Speaker: 7:30 – 8:30PM

RSVP to Dana Eaton by November 14, 2012

Ms. Gadol has been showing and selling her art for over ten years. She has co-taught workshops with National Geographic photographer Ralph Lee Hopkins and with world-renowned photographer and environmentalist Robert Glenn Ketchum. A recipient of numerous awards and exhibiter in many solo and juried shows, Ms Gadol's art was the Featured Portfolio in PC Photo Magazine. View her work (including images from China) at

Photo by Jeanne Gadol

When award-winning artist Jeanne Gadol, traveled to Southeast rural China last year she hoped to experience minorities in their traditional daily lives amidst fertile farmland and unspoiled rugged scenery. Her expectations were more than met as is evidenced in the beautiful multi-media presentation combining photography and Chinese music that Jeanne and her husband Steve created and will show at the Novermber meeting. After viewing their collaborative production, Jeanne will highlight some of her favorite images and tell stories behind her photographs.