Thursday, November 15, 2012

"Rural China: Up Close and Personal"--Talk by Jeanne Gadol

USCPFA South Bay Chapter
Rural China: Up Close and Personal
a photographic journey and study of Southeast China’s rural minorities and scenic beauty
Jeanne Gadol
Award winning photographer and mixed media artist

Sunday, November 18, 2012
6:15 – 9 PM
St. Jude’s Episcopal Church, Parish Hall
20920 McClellan Rd.
Cupertino, CA

Potluck Dinner 6:15 – 7:15
Speaker: 7:30 – 8:30PM

RSVP to Dana Eaton by November 14, 2012

Ms. Gadol has been showing and selling her art for over ten years. She has co-taught workshops with National Geographic photographer Ralph Lee Hopkins and with world-renowned photographer and environmentalist Robert Glenn Ketchum. A recipient of numerous awards and exhibiter in many solo and juried shows, Ms Gadol's art was the Featured Portfolio in PC Photo Magazine. View her work (including images from China) at

Photo by Jeanne Gadol

When award-winning artist Jeanne Gadol, traveled to Southeast rural China last year she hoped to experience minorities in their traditional daily lives amidst fertile farmland and unspoiled rugged scenery. Her expectations were more than met as is evidenced in the beautiful multi-media presentation combining photography and Chinese music that Jeanne and her husband Steve created and will show at the Novermber meeting. After viewing their collaborative production, Jeanne will highlight some of her favorite images and tell stories behind her photographs.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"The Myths and Realities" --Talk by Stephen Smuin

USCPFA South Bay Chapter

a talk about Amy Chau’s book
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
Stephen K. Smuin
CEO, da Vinci Educational Consulting

Sunday, September 23, 2012
6:15 – 9 PM
St. Jude’s Episcopal Church, Parish Hall
20920 McClellan Rd.
Cupertino, CA

Potluck Dinner 6:15 – 7:15
Speaker: 7:30 – 8:30PM

RSVP to Dana Eaton by September 19, 2012

Not since the biography of Mao has a book caused so much controversy in the Chinese community as Amy Chau’s book, The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. Stephen Smuin’s talk will focus on the main points of Chau’s book and how they compare with the most recent educational research and theories. Smuin’s 60-minute, multi-media presentation will challenge one’s assumptions, as well as provide salient research about the realities of educating children in today’s competitive environment.  The myths and realities are surprising. 
Stephen Smuin has 40 years experience as an educator. As the former head of two recognized middle schools, Nueva and Odyssey, Stephen has been a regular presenter at major educational conferences.  Stephen first trip to China in 2001 opened his eyes and heart to the beauty and complexity of the country.  He has since return to China 15 times working with students of all ages.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

"Stanford University's Confucius Institute"--Talk by Prof. Sun Chaofen and Prof. Wang Ban

Stanford University’s Confucius Institute – Its Birth,
The Arrangement- The Present- The Future
May 20, 2012
6:15 – Potluck Dinner - Optional
7:30 – 9 PM – Speakers Prof. Sun and Prof. Wang – Free
Sunny View Senior Community, Community Center Room
22445 Cupertino Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014
(one block north of Stevens Creek Blvd., on Foothill Expressway)
Respond to Dana Eaton by May 16, 2012
Sun Chaofen

Sun, Chao Fen (Suen Chiu Fun), originally from Hong Kong, received his undergraduate education at East China Normal University in Shanghai, MA from University of Oregon, and Ph.D in Linguistics from Cornell University. Since 1991, he has been teaching at Stanford University as assistant professor, associate professor and professor and chaired the department of East Asian Languages and Cultures for six years and served as director of Stanford Center for East Asian Studies. He is currently serving a three-year term of Yangtze Scholar 江学者 at Beijing Language and Culture University, appointed by the Ministry of Education, PRC. Prof. Sun as Director of Stanford’s Dept. of East Asian Language and Culture was instrumental in bringing the Confucius Institute to Stanford, 2009.

Wang Ban

Wang, Ban is the William Haas Professor in Chinese Studies at Stanford University and the Yangtze River Chair Professor at East China Normal University. He is currently chairperson of the Departments of Asian Languages and Cultures.  He was a research fellow with the National Endowment for the Humanities in 2000 and the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton in 2007. He has taught at Beijing Foreign Studies University, SUNY-Stony Brook, Harvard University, Rutgers University, Seoul National University, and E. China Normal University. Prof. Wang recently edited the book, Words and Their Stories: Essays on the Language of the Chinese Revolution.

Confucius Institute at Stanford University focuses on research and teaching Chinese language and culture. Chinese has become the second most popular foreign language at Stanford University. This is evidence of a growing interest among students in Chinese language and culture. To encourage research on the graduate level, each year the Institute will award a fellowship to one to three graduate students currently enrolled in their Chinese program.

The Confucius Institute at Stanford University is a partnership between Stanford, Peking University, one of China’s top research universities, and Hanban, an administrative arm of the Ministry of Education in China.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

"One Hundred Years of Transformation in China"--Lecture by Dr.Vincent Yip

US-China Peoples Friendship Association – South Bay
         Presents a Free Public Lecture

Sunday, March 4, 2012
The Chapter ‘s Potluck Dinner begins at 6:15 PM
Dr. Vincent Yip’s presentation      7:15 – 8:45 PM

Members and Guests are welcome to join us for potluck dinner and/or the speaker’s program.
Please RSVP to to reserve seats by Wed. Feb. 29, 2012
Please make your reservation early since the room capacity is limited to 50 people.
Please indicate how many seats you need and if you plan to join the Potluck as well as the Talk.

Location: Sunny View Senior Center, 22445 Cupertino Rd. Cupertino, Ca. 95014
                ( 1 block north of Stevens Creek Blvd on N. Foothill Blvd )
Room:      Community Center Room – end of parking lot’s entry rotary circle
Parking;   Upper parking level at left as one faces the main building, and on Cupertino Rd.

One Hundred Years of Transformation in China: 1911-1981-2011   
By Dr. Vincent Yip

On 10/10/1911, Chinese revolutionaries in Wuchang ignited an uprising that ended China’s 5000 years of feudal and dynastic rule, and heralded a Chinese Republic. However, much more turmoil and suffering ensued until 1949 when the PRC was founded, and even beyond. This presentation will  examine the history, culture, and psyche that laid the foundation for today’s China. Dr. yip is also an indefatigable traveler and photographer. He will share his images and experiences inside China the  past three decades, during which China went from a Third World weakling to a First World Power to be reckoned with.

Dr. Vincent Yip is a Bay Area management consultant whose career included diplomatic service to the European Union and teaching at the Northwestern, USF Business Schools, and has been lecturing at Stanford Continuing Studies since 2008.  He has traveled in China on consulting assignments for UN, World Bank, and several international corporations, and in 1994 he founded a Sino-Malaysian joint venture environmental technology ECOFEN in Beijing and served as its general manager. He is the author of three books on China and also published numerous articles in technical as well as business journals, mainly on cultural, e-commerce, project management and other related aspects of doing business in China. Dr.Yip holds a PhD from U.of Southern California.
